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VISION & mission

We have a heART to use creative expression for Jesus!

Through using our gifts & talents for the Lord, we will: Awaken the individual, Restore the city, & Transform the Body of Christ 


We are a place to create ART that:

-AWAKENS the individual to the love of the Father and the creativity placed within them.

-RESTORES the community by uniting believers and building up through creative expression.

-TRANSFORMS the Body by boldly co-creating with God, allowing Him to reach hearts and expand His impact beyond what we can imagine. Our mission is to meet all three of these areas in a tangible way!


Support our missionaries


Mason Ledbetter

Mason is our DHOP Freedom Director. He has an anointing and heart to see the captives set free and to encounter the fullness of the Lord in their lives.


To donate to Mason:

- select 'Intercessory Missionary'  in the drop-down menu when you click GIVE


If you would like to write a check, you can make checks payable to 'Decatur House of Prayer' with 'Mason Ledbetter' in the memo line of the check. 

Creative Work


  • Each month receive creative ways to grow your prayer life.



  • Each month receive  a creative prompt to unite believers by encouraging creative expression in our community.

  • As well as highlighting artists, creators, events, songs, and other inspirational tools.



  • Art Sozo will be offered at least two times this year to help bring further freedom and transformation in lives to prepare us as His bride.

  • Morgen Mosley is available to speak and lead creative prayer activities for churches, small groups, and other organizations. These can be done in person or online.

What is creative intercession?

Creative Intercession is putting an action of creating with your prayers. The Lord loves to see our faith in action, and this is part of that! He loves to see your creativity in action, and He loves your prayers. 
Creative Intercession puts those two things together, and it has a massive impact! 


The Individual

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Do you want to strengthen your prayer life and your relationship with the Lord? Sign up to receive DHOP Creative Online! You will receive emails with resources, creative prompts, and ways to grow your prayer life, plus much more throughout the month! 


The Community

Find out more about the artists and creators right here in our community! Sign up and receive monthly emails that contain feature artists through our community.

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The Body

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Creative Director & Intercessory Missionary at DHOP, Morgen Mosley, is available by appointment to facilitate Art Sozo & Creative Prayer Activities, online or in person. Contact her here for more information on hosting!



1920 N. Oakland Ave. Decatur, IL 62526  

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How you can pray for us

Join us in praying for :


A Great Awakening

Supernatural Resources

Return of Miracles

Devine Protection & Guidance 

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