Prayer Teams
We believe that prayer matters! We are here to encourage and engaging in prayer for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven so that many will be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and more will hunger to be part of the Kingdom of God. We are honored to pray for you!
Father's House Healing Teams
Monday 5:00 - 6:00pm
Father's House Healing Team
Ministry Events
Join us as we press in for an encounter! This will be a time for the whole community to come together for worship, fellowship, and an in-depth Scripture study where we focus on themes pertaining to prayer, life, and the hour in which we live. We will wait and remain until the Spirit moves.
Does this spark a fire in your heart? Are you ready for more and to go deeper? Let's connect!
For more information contact us at decaturhop@gmail.com
Handfuls of Purpose Ministry
Changing the world by impacting the lives of those we've been entrusted to serve, one life at a time, by being totally transparent. We meet the need of those who are hurting by addressing their right now needs and by preparing their hearts to receive the Word of God.
Cee P. Palmore' Ministers
Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00pm