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Why a house of prayer

Mission & Vision

Our Mission is first and foremost to minister to the Lord through night & day prayer and worship. Our relationship with Him is our highest priority & our greatest gift, and we seek to steward that here at DHOP. We seek to promote the One Thing lifestyle through prayer, worship and intimacy with the Lord. 

Our Vision is to see night & day prayer and worship breakout across Decatur, America, and the globe! We want to see His kingdom grow and over take the world. Continual prayer and worship are the vehicle for this to happen in the world. We seek to change atmospheres and culture through night & day prayer and worship. 

Biblical Night & Day Prayer

1 Chronicles 16 outlines the Tabernacle of David. This is the tent where King David housed the Ark of the Covenant. He employed over 4,000 Israelites to continually keep worship going before the Presence of God night & day. This is what the House of Prayer is!

Revelation 4 & 5 is a beautiful picture of what is happening in Heaven around the Throne of God. Guess what?... Night & day prayer and worship! The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders are forever singing and praising the Lord while the prayers of the saints are continually before Him! 

The four Gospels tell us that Jesus often went away to get alone with His Father in prayer! John 5:19 tells us that Jesus did nothing but what He saw the Father do! If Jesus had to pray & get alone with the Father, how much more do we need to! 

Piano Keys
Harp & Bowl

The harp & bowl model of prayer and worship comes from Revelation 4 & 5. The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders are in constant worship around the Throne of the Lord with the prayers of the saints constantly before the Lord. 

We worship & pray together in our sets. At set times we have worship, at other times we have set prayer, and then at other times we pray in song. Doing this mixture of worship and prayer back and forth and mixing the two, singing what we pray, is a very powerful thing! It releases what the Lord wants to say over a people, city, nation and world! 

One Thing

Psalm 27:4 "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple." 

We are a One Thing House. We believe that it is our highest calling and greatest privilege to minister to the Lord, to be in relationship with Him, and to know Him. We aim to cultivate that atmosphere here at DHOP and everywhere we go! We want people to see the value of relationship, devotion and intimacy with the Lord! Prayer and worship is the chief method for strengthening your relationship with the Lord! 

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Join the Story

If any of this is striking a chord in your heart, please reach out to us! Send us a message, stop by or call us any time! We would love to meet you and talk about how you can jump in and join the story here at DHOP! Positions we have open are; greeters, sound & computer techs, prayer leaders, singers, musicians, and worship leaders! There truly is a place for everyone. And don't forget that God has placed a unique voice in you, and we need to hear that! We need your flame here on the altar at DHOP. 

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