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Training videos

Going deeper @ DHOP Videos


We have three types of sets that happen, they are; Devotional Set, Intercession Set, and Worship with the Word Set. During the Devotional Sets it is usually a smaller team, or just one person, who worships with no set times of prayer or reading the Word, though they may do that throughout the set. In an Intercession set we have set times of worship, prayer, and then a combination of both. During these Intercession sets we use the harp & bowl model of prayer and worship working together. Worship with the Word Sets are just what they sound! It is a time of worship and the Word of God being read and then sung out again. Monday 6pm - 7pm is a Prophetic Set, 7pm - 8pm is a Prophetic Worship Set/Devotional. Tuesday 4pm - 6pm is a Worship with the Word Set and 6pm - 8pm is an Intercession Set. Wednesday we have Devotional Sets from 12pm - 3pm, and an Intercession Set 6pm - 7pm.  Thursday 4pm - 5pm is a Devotional Set, and 6pm - 8pm is an Intercession Set. Please feel free to come and sit in the prayer room or find out how you can be a part of DHOP!  


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